I don’t know how it happened, but we are now at the end of Aug. and I only just now pulled the pictures out of my camera.
So I went a little crazy and collected all the broken crayon’s from my son’s school for recycling. It went a little nuts. The project took over my kitchen table for WEEKS. All the crayons needed to be sorted by wrapper-less ones and to remove all the RoseArt crayons (which do not melt). Then I had to soak them in water over night to loosen the wrappers. Then I had to remove the wrappers. And then I had to dry them, because they were wet.
Next the real work, sorting all the crayons by color and then cutting them up into little pieces.
Finally, I had to put them in silicon molds and melt them in the oven. But in the end we got a nice product.
I have opened an etsy shop to sell my felted sewing patterns. ThoraBeyDesigns can be found here: http://www.etsy.com/shop/ThoraBeyDesigns?ref=search_shop_redirect .
Four patterns and counting: