Check out the felted patterns page for the mittens pattern.
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Frogged two sweaters
I have finished frogging – unraveling- two of the 69 cent sweaters. One sweater that was worsted weight yielded 17 Oz of yarn, that is over a pound! The real find was the bulky weight 100% wool in cream, so it can be dyed as desired. That sweater yielded 38.5 OZ, over two pounds! I was finally able to find the fiber content on the third sweater- 50% wool, 50% acrylic, a high enough content of wool so that it is hard for me to tell by feel. That sweater wasn’t in great condition so I ended up discarding it. Even so, it is about $50 worth of yarn, maybe more, for under $3.00.
Tote bags out of reclaimed quilts
I love tote bags- they make great gifts (will one of these be for you?), they organize your stuff and you can cram them full. Last year I made from scratch a bunch of totes for family. This year, I am making them from tightly quilted quilts I have found at the thrift stores.
I found a paisely patterned throw that I got two totes out of- with pockets. I used the scalloped edge to make a nice finished top and two belts from the thirft store (.33 each) for the handles.
I also found a beautiful baby quilt that made a perfect tote bag with a sunny disposition.
I also found a baby room set (looked brand new) with ocean animal themes, with quilt, valence, bed skirt and diaper holder for $3.00- that is right- $3.00. I made this into two tote bags with pockets, straps, and two shopping bags.
These totes are a little on the small side, but how cute are they!
Thrift Store Alert!
Today they had almost all sweaters for 69 cents at the Salvation army. There was a sweater there that I had been coveting since last week, but it was $9.00 and I didn’t want to spend that much even though it was a bulky weight 100% wool cream sweater perfect for unraveling and then dying. I think there might be over a pound of yarn. I am glad I held off, saving that extra $8.31.
I found three other sweaters, two for felting, a purple cable knit and a cream sweater and another cream sweater for unraveling.
My husband should be grateful I only came home with 4 sweaters, but he doesn’t understand how grateful he should be.
Felted Knitting Accessories
I love felt, I love knitting needles, and I love to have my tools organized and lined up into rows. So I have made a number of double pointed knitting needle cases, interchangeable knitting needles, single pointed cases. Some designs I adapted from Betz White, others I came up with on my own.
Knitted softies
Starting the spring seeds
Even though it is Feb here, it is time to start the spring seeds. I am starting cone flowers and columbine’s for a wild flower garden out back. They need to be “pre-chilled” which means planting and then keeping in the refrigerator for a month. I don’t know about you, but I don’t have that kind of room. Fortunately, we live in Chicago, and I just kept them outside for a month. The cone flowers came up in less than a week, and the package says they should take 2. The columbine take 21 days to sprout, so we will see when those emerge.
Mitten Pattern Coming soon!
Knitting Sea Animals
My son’s pre-k class has a month long unit on the oceans. Last year I loaned them some sea animals I made for my son. This year, he finally said we can donate most of them- all except the Black Devil Angler fish. Most of these are Hansi Sigh, but a few of them are from Ravelry. The Sea horses are an original pattern. Someday I might publish it.
The kids’ favorits are the black devil angler fish and the hermit crab. The teacher likes them because they are durable but anatomically correct. The teacher has a sun star, star fish, brittle star, sea urchine, octopus, lobster, giant squid, two sea horses, hermit crab and three jelly fis.
Making Totes out of Placemats
Betz White had the idea of making totes out of thrift store placemats. I took it a step further by useing thirft store belts as handles instead of purchased webbing. I also decorated the totes with Kazanashi flowers.
I found 7 placements that were in good shape and I was able to get 2 totes out of them. Four for the front and backs, two for the sides and one for the bottoms. I then decorated one with Kazanashi flowers and the other with felted flowers and buttons. Top them off with thrift store belt handles and you have a beautiful, green, thrifty gift.
These will be Christmas gifts– so if you know me, who will be for whom?