I am the proud owner of 15 varieties of mint! Some I scavenged, some I bought at a local nursery and five I bought online from http://fragrantfields.com/mints-perennials.aspx .
They are:
1. Sweet mint 1- started from seed last year.
2. Sweet mint 2- bought from home depot and made cuttings.
3. Sweet mint 3- from my Dad’s garden
4. Mystery Mint- might be sweet, might be curly found in an alley.
5. Orange mint- from home depot
6. Chocolate mint- from home depot
7. Lemon mint- local nursery
8. Mohjito mint- local nursery
9. Berries and cream- local nursery
10. Pineapple Mint- local nursery
11. Ginger Mint- http://fragrantfields.com
12. Sweet Pear- http://fragrantfields.com
13. Candy Pops- http://fragrantfields.com
14. Iced Hazelnut- http://fragrantfields.com
15. Fruit Sorbet – http://fragrantfields.com